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ONLINE and F2F Courses Taught/Created​​

  • 2423 – Intro to Education – Undergraduate

  • 2043 – Instructional Technology - Undergraduate

  • 3043 – Instructional Technology - Undergraduate

  • 4123 – Educational Psychology – Undergraduate

  • 4063 – Business and Technology Applications – Undergraduate

  • 4993 – Business and Technology Workshop – Undergraduate

  • 5063 – Business and Technology Applications - Graduate

  • 5123 – Educational Psychology – Graduate

  • 5993 – Business and Technology Workshop - Graduate

  • 6123 – Research for Educational Practitioners - Graduate

  • 6223 – Supervision and Educational Leadership – Graduate

  • 6343 – School and Community Relations - Graduate

  • 6533 – Building Level Administrator Internship – Graduate

  • 6553 – 21st Century Skills in Educational Technology - Graduate 

  • 6813 – Educational Law for Teachers - MAT Program

  • 6693 – Technology for School Leaders - Graduate

  • 6963 – Technology and Curriculum - MAT Program

  • 7703 – Integrating Technology into the Instructional Program - Graduate

  • 7713 – Technology Communications for District Administrators - Graduate

  • 7723 – Technology for District Administrators - Graduate

  • NPCC – Foundations of Education – Adjunct Undergraduate


Partial list of featured conference and workshop presentations

  • Social Media and Your Future - NPC - FBLA

  • What does it all Meme? - HSU TLC Conference , AAIM Conference, FBLA LeadershipWearable Technologies – TICAL – TICAL Conference

  • 21st Century Technology Skills – HSU, HSTI, SWOW

  • Emerging Technology in K12 – AAIM

  • Social Networking: Tips and Tricks – Good, Bad, Ugly – LRSD

  • Mobile Device Apps Training – LRSD 

  • Social Networking: Good, Bad, Ugly – Pottsville

  • Facebook Privacy  and Security for Teachers and Administrators

  • Facebook Privacy Issues – AAIM, HSU, HSTI

  • 21st Century Technology Infusion Skills - HSU

  • What’s New? Technology Trends – ACTE (Association for Career and Technical Education) 

  • Social Networking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – AAIM Conference

  • Tech Tips for Teachers-District Technology Updates for All Staff – Hot Springs School District

  • New Teachers Workshop for Hot Springs School District Staff 

  • What’s New? Technology Trends – ACTE (Association for Career and Technical Education)

  • Techie Gadgets and Gizmos – AAIM

  • Technology Accessibility and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973– FETC

  • Building Computers from the Ground up!

  • Home and School Networking

  • E-rate Training – Dawson Cooperative Schools

  • Hatfield School District Technology Grant – 4 day technology symposium

  • First Class Digital Communication Tools

  • Microsoft Office Suite

  • Internet Safety for All 


What does it all MEME?


In social media we are bombarded with memes.  In this lighthearted, hopefully humorous, session we will discuss the origin of memes and how they have become a social media phenomenon that we all love and hate.  At first, we will take a ride down “meme-ory” lane and have some fun looking and talking about some of the most popular memes that are spreading like viruses and their meanings.   In the second part of this session we will dive into some of the meme creator tools that are easy to use and readily available to the novice user.  At the end of the session we will open the floor for collaborative discussion about anything related to ed-tech.


Link to Google Presentation


Presentation dates:

HSU TLC - March 9-10, 2017 -Arkadelphia

AAIM - April 23-25, 2017 - Little Rock 

FBLA Leadership Conference - October 4, 2017 UACCH


Social Media: Impacting Your Future


Social media infiltrates our lives with numerous challenges and opportunities.  This presentation will touch on various issues related to using social media tools in our personal and professional lives.  We will discuss the most popular tools and how they impact and improve our past, present, and future.


Link to Google Presentation


FBLA Leadership Conference - October 4, 2017 UACCH



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